HCISS has three 27” and five 21”Wacom Cintiqs available for student use.

UNHG01 – University House, Ground Floor, Room G01 CoLab
UNH104 – University House, First Floor, Room 102 CoLab
To work within University House you must first complete the General Induction:
They are not bookable pieces of equipment and operate on a ‘first in best dressed’ principle. If you are using the Wacom as a secondary display and not for illustration, you may be asked to find another machine.
To use the Wacom Cintiqs you must first log in to the machine using your student credentials. The Wacom acts as a secondary display, you can drap and drop items across to it using your cursor. The Wacom Pen acts another controller for your cursor with pressure and tilt sensitivity enabled in many programs such as Photoshop, Krita & Sketchbook.
Common Problems
‘Lost’ cursor
Misalignment of cursor and pen
Trouble Shooting
As the Cintiq operates as a secondary display – not set to mirrored, the cursor can sometimes be hard to spot. If you shake the mouse back and forth quickly it will enlarge it on either the machine or the Cintiq.
Aligning the cursor can be done through the application Wacom Tablet Properties and selecting ‘Calibrate’