Print Priority
Jobs are printed in the order they are received unless there is a significant queue. The printing order will be rearranged to the uphold the following order:
Printing priority
- Student Coursework
- Research
- Exhibition Outcomes
- Student Folio Work
- Internal Divisions
- Student Personal Work
- Alumni
If there is an excessive demand to be undertaken during business hours, printing may be postponed until the next day. This is made at the discretion of the Technical Officers. Submit a technical ticket request if you would like information about the current or projected print queue.
Current Students
You are responsible for your files. If you submit the wrong file or incorrectly configure the necessary file preparation, we are not responsible. Follow these guides for more information.
If there is a printer issue and your file isn’t printed correctly, we will reprint it for you.
If you would like to proof your colour on our calibrated display, please see Technical Staff in University House or submit a technical ticket request to arrange a time in advance.
You need to pay for any printing done on your behalf, even if you submit the wrong file.
We are not responsible for your assessment or managing your time. If you don’t submit a file in time to collect and trim / mount the print before your assessment is due, that is your responsibility.
If you are substantially late for an appointment, you will have to schedule another.
Payment must be made as your print is submitted via the Print Media Payment Terminal , the receipt received from this payment is attached to the Print Submit Form found here.
If you have any further questions, please see the technical staff or submit a technical ticket.
Community includes Integrated Innovation Network (I2N), UON Alumni, other internal divisions of the University outside the School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences.
Payments by community are made through the External Print Payment Store
Research Grants
Can be paid outright on personal Visa, Debit or Paypal, then claimed through Fraedom.
Internally Circulated Funds for Printing
This includes printing for coursework, exhibition – requires School Executive Officer (SEO) approval. Needs to be logged through the Internal Division Print Submit & Quote Form (below). SEO Approval to be uploaded instead of raised journal transfer in the upload receipt section.
This is to allow for correct auditing of paper and ink usage.
Internal Divisions
Please use the following online form to receive a quote, upload your files and completed Internal Fund Transfer Authority form for a journal transfer to be raised against your cost collector:
Internal Division HCISS Print Submit & Quote
External Business
As a University, we do not intend to compete with external printing companies. Therefore we do not offer our services outside direct University application. Please speak with technical staff for recommendations of local businesses for various print requirements.