Photo Studio General information about UNH147, the photo studio, including location & opening hours, access & usage, available equipment and bookings
Photo Printer General information regarding photo printing including: Location, Access & Usage, Bookings & Print Submissions and Specifications in the Makerspace Print Lab (UNHG07)
CON315 Recording Studio Overview CON315 is a music production studio built around the SSL AWS 924 console. The studio features 2 recording rooms,...
Request a Specialist Induction Access to specialist equipment or spaces outside of normal class requirements may be required for research, particular assignments or work integrated learning outcomes.
Accessing SOCI Network Video Storage A step by step solution article to Accessing SOCI Network Storage.
City Makerspace – Prototyping Lab General information regarding the HCISS Prototyping Lab Makerspace found in QG04, Q Building, City Campus
CMNS2035 – Television Production Studio Inductions Individual step by step walkthrough each aspect of the TV studio.
City Makerspace – Textiles Studio General information regarding the HCISS Textiles Studio Makerspace located in UNH206 + 207, University House, Newcastle City Campus
CON222 Post Production Studio Overview and information for the post production studio CON222 including location, opening hours, access and available equipment
Materials & Chemicals Information regarding how chemicals and new materials are managed in the Makerspaces
Ground Floor Production Studios Overview The Ground Floor Production Studios in the Conservatorium are bookable studios based around the SSL Matrix Console that can...
Audio Production Area Studios Overview CON204, CON206, and CON211 are music production studios. These rooms offer basic recording and mixing functionality. Location & Opening...
CON222 Start Up & Shutdown Procedure – Guide The procedure for start up & shutdown of CON222 to correctly follow safe operating procedures
A-Series Printing Paper Stocks Different printing paper types available for our A-Series Epson Printer
CON201 Computer Lab Location & Opening Hours Room Building Capacity Operating System CON201 The Conservatorium of Music 12 macOS Access & Usage To...